Prameela Rao
Head of the Department, Political Science
17 years Experience in Canara College.
Academic Area: Political Science
- Master of Arts
Publications and Research
- Submitted a paper at a Three-day National Workshop Organized on women empowerment by a non-government organization at Bilaspur in Chattisgarh
- Submitted a report to Petition Committee of Legislative Assembly about the drug menace in Mangalore which is being acted upon which identifies Dakshina Kannada as a ‘test case’ for effective implementation of anti drug awareness campaigns.
Other Activities
- Represented Dakshina Kannada in the state level NGO meet organised in Bangalore in 2012.
- Studied best practices of Bilaspur district rehabilitation committee involved in the effective rehabilitation of differently abled in the district. Incidentally Bilaspur was adjudged as best rehabilitation committee in state.
- Appointed as a Trustee in Chethana School for Disabled, which has been involved in rehabilitation of special children and visually impaired children.
June 2011 to March 2012
- Appointed as member of the Rehabilitation committee for Malekudiyas by state government to oversee effective rehabilitation of members of indigenous tribe, Malekudiyas,willing to relocate from Kudremukh National Park (KNP).
- Attended a month-long orientation programme organized by the Academic staff college of Kannur University from July 4 to August 4.
- Delivered a talk on Lokpal bill for students of First Grade Government College in Holenarasimhapura, Hassan in September 2011.
- Appointed as Trustee in Chethana School for disabled, which has been involved in rehabilitation of special children and visually impaired children.
- As Trustee had participated in state level stakeholders meeting on setting up Spoorthi SHGs for differently abled which was organized as PES college in Bangalore by Disability Commissioner and CBR Network on Nov. 16, 2011.
- Had submitted a paper at a three-day national workshop organized on women empowerment by a non government organization at Bilaspur in Chattisgarh on December 3.
- Met Dakshinakannada Deputy Commissioner on December 16 to apprise him of Chethanabeing identified as a ‘nodal agency’ to monitor and report to government of any violations of rights of differently abled in DK district.
- Petition Committee of Legislative Assembly acting on my report about the drug menace in Mangalore, identified Dakshina Kannada district as a ‘test case’ for effective implementation of anti drug awareness campaigns.
- Studied the best practices of Bilaspur district rehabilitation committee involved in the effective rehabilitation of differently abled in the district. Incidentally Bilaspur was adjudged as best rehabilitation committee in state.
- Participated as a member of organizing committee of three-day international conference held in Canara First Grade College from December 15,16 and 17.
- Was invited as chief guest to school annual day celebrations at Shre Panchalingeshwara English Medium school in Suratkal on January 07,2012.
- Had participated formation of a society aimed at the self-empowerment of Malekudiyas, members of an indigenous tribe on January 12, 2012.
- Represented Dakshina Kannada district in the state level NGO meet organized in Bangalore to facilitate Chief Commissioner of Disabilities Shri Prasanna Kumar Pincha on January 29.
- Had participated in the meeting if NGOS to decide on strategies to urge government on a separate secretariat for differently abled in Karnataka on February 7.
- Delivered talk on exploitation on women and womens rights at Mangalore University College as part of women’s day celebrations on March 3.
- Participated as member of organizing committee of a two-day state level conference organized by Mangalore University Political Science. Teachers Association in Mangalore University on March 13 and 14.
- Article on exploitation on women and womens rights published in the UGC sponsored souvenir compiled and edited by Besant Evening College.
- Edited ShriSridharanandaji’s Preetika Prakaranam released in Mangalore on January 20,2012.
- Submitted the memorandum to the chief minister Sri. D.V. Sadanandagowda on the problems of rehabilitation of Malekudias in Dakshinakannada.
- Attended the meeting at D.C.Office on 28th June.
Prameela Rao
is Head of the Department, Political Science at Canara College,
Mangalore, Karnataka, India