Assistant Professor - Head of the Department, Business Administration
15 years Experience in Canara College.
Academic Area: Accounting, Finance, Management and Strategy
- Master of Philosophy
- Master of Commerce
Other Experience
- Lecturer at Badariya College, 7 years (2002 – 2009)
- Lecturer at Gokarnatheshwara College, 3 years (1997 – 1998 & 2000 – 2002)
- Lecturer at S. V. Women’s College, Karkala, 5 years (1992 – 1997)
- Lecturer at Government First Grade College, KKL, 1 year(1991 – 1992)
- Lecturer at Government PU College, Muniyal, 1 year (1990 – 1991)
Publications and Research
- Presentation of a paper titled “Poverty Alleviation and Women Empowerment through Micro Finance” in UGC sponsored National Conference held on 29 and 30 January 2016 at Canara College ISBN-978-81-927561-6-5.
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Perception about Corruption and Black Money- Corruption and Black Money a Social Stigma “ in UGC sponsored National Seminar on Parallel Economy and Money Laundering held on January 3 & 4 2014, at Ratna S. Shenoy Memorial Seminar Hall , Canara First Grade College Mangalore. P.No.95-100-978-81-927561-4-1.
Other Activities
- Placement and Training Officer from 2019
- Secretary of Pro-Act Toastmasters Club, Mangalore in the year 2018-19 and Recognized as Competent Communicator for exceptional achievements in the Toastmasters International Communication Program in May 2019
- Organised “SANKALP-2019 – A Call to Reawakening” One Day National Conclave -“Rejuvenating vision to transform Indian Management Education in the Global Context” on February 25, 2019 at Canara college.
- Fine Arts Association Convener 2015-17
- Organised Two Day National Level Seminar on “E-Waste Management-Challenges and Opportunities” on September 2015 3 and 4, at Canara College.
- Convener of HRD Cell from 2012-14.
- HOD of Business Management since 2012-13
- NSS Programme Officer from 1994-1997 and from 2009-2012.
- Organised University Level NSS Fest on March 5, 2012.
- Organised Dental Camp in association with KMC Mangalore at Kodman at NSS Annual Camp held in the year 2011.
- Organised Street play on AIDS Awareness under RED RIBBON Club NSS Annual Camp held in the year 2011.
- Resource Person for BBM syllabus Renewal, held in SDM College, Mangalore in December, 2010.
is Assistant Professor - Head of the Department, Business Administration at Canara College,
Mangalore, Karnataka, India