Dr. Asha Kiran Pakkala
Assistant Professor - Head of the Department, Physics
30 years Experience in Canara College.
Academic Area: Physics
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)
- Master of Philosophy
- Master of Science
- Post Graduation Diploma in Computer Application
Publications and Research
- Performance of CdTe Solar cell Irradiated with 8 MeV Electron Beam
Asha Kiran Pakkala, Ganesh Sanjeev, Alvin D. Compaan, Xiangxin (Shine) Liu and Manjunatha Pattabi Proc. Nat. Sem. Advances in Materials Science. Tirunelveli (2012) pp-35-37. - Effect of 8 Mev Electron Beam on the Electrical Properties of CdTe Solar Cells
Asha Kiran Pakkala, Ganesh Sanjeev and Manjunatha Pattabi
Proc. Nat. Sem. Emerging trends in Optoelectronic and Solar energy Nanomaterials. Kannur( 2011) pp-48-52. - A Study on the Radiation Resistance of CIGS/ CdS Thin Film Solar Cell Against 8 MeV Electron Asha Kiran Pakkala, Manjunatha Pattabi, Ganesh Sanjeev, A.M. Fernandez, X. Mathew Inernational Journal of Science Research RAMS 2012, Volume 01, Issue 04.
- Performance of CdMgTe/CdS Solar cell after 8MeV Electron Beam Irradiation. Communicated to Radiation Effects and Defects.
- Transport Mechanism in CdMgTe/CdS solar cells. Communicated to Radiation Effects and Defects.
- A comparative study on the effect of 8 MeV electrons Irradiation on electrical Properties of CdTe and CdMgTe solar cells. Asha Kiran Pakkala, Manjunatha Pattabi and Ganesh Sanjeev, National Seminar on Current Trends in Materials Science. March 7 & 8, 2012, Changanacherry, Kerala.
- Radiation hardness study of CIGS/CdS and CdMgTe/CdS solar cells against 8 MeV electron irradiation, Asha Kiran Pakkala, Manjunatha Pattabi Proc. Basic Science Courses At the Undergraduate level ISBN 978-81-927561-1-0 Proc.
Other Activities
- Treasurer of Association of Physics Teachers, Mangalore University from 2009-10
Dr. Asha Kiran Pakkala
is Assistant Professor - Head of the Department, Physics at Canara College,
Mangalore, Karnataka, India