Students of Human Rights cell has organised a Debate on “Death Penalty”-for/against on September 23,2015 in our college. There are two Groups of students justified their arguments in favour or Against it.Sri Guruprasad Shetty, Advocate in Mangalore have been moderating the programme.He said ,”the Foreign countries have the impression that, India have been committed crime against women and it is everybody’s responsibility to preserve the dignity of Women in India.”
Death penalty have been abolished in more than 140 countries of the world but in India and other 12 countries have still in practice. A group of students says,” the heinous crime or war against state should be punished with Death Penalty. Whereas others, Death penalty should be banned in order to protect the Right to life guaranteed by the constitution under article 21 and also preserve the dignity of individual and constitutional ethics”. Total 75 students took part in the programme.

Report by:
Dr. Ganesh Shetty U