As how learning is important so does the style of learning. It’s a process which combines both action and reflection. Just as how every student learns differently, teachers too have many different learning styles and face a variety of circumstances in classroom.
With this concern, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the College organized a one day Faculty Development Programme on “Effective Learning-Style Interventions” on Friday, June 16, 2017 at 9:30 AM, in the College Seminar Hall. Prof. Pushparaj Badiyadka, Principal, Chinmaya School, Kasargod, Kerala was the Resource Person.
Prof. Pushparaj Badiyadka while addressing the faculty said – we all have a way in which we best learn. Odds are part of teaching-learning process. Every student in the class has a different preferred learning style, which can make it difficult for an educator to be the most effective teacher. However, by evolving innovative methods in teaching, a teacher to larger extent can reach the majority of students.
He emphasized that students learn in a variety of ways – by seeing and hearing, working alone and in groups, reasoning logically and intuitively, memorizing, visualizing, modeling, etc… Teaching methods also vary – some instructors lecture, others demonstrate or discuss; some focus on principles and others on applications; some emphasize memory and others understanding. How much students learn in a class depends in part on the compatibility of their learning style preferences with the instructor’s teaching style.
He familiarized with different learning styles, shared the consequences of serious mismatches between learning and teaching styles, learning styles to be considered by the instructors when designing and delivering the course instruction and so on…
Principal Dr. K. V. Malini in her presidential address remarked that every teacher needs to give more emphasis on class room preparation and build a psychological bond between the teacher and students.
This can be enabled only through adopting a creative process of teaching through developing appropriate learning-style interventions.
Vice Principal Dr. Manohar S. Joishi Kumble welcomed the resource person and faculty colleagues. IQAC Coordinator Mrs. Shanthi Roche proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs. Sushma R. Shetty, Faculty, Dept. of Commerce compered the formal programme.
The programme seemed to be extensively educative in enlightening the changing learning styles and thereby connecting students more effectively. The session strived to achieve the core values of fostering global competency, inculcating value system, promoting the use of technology and eliciting quest for excellence amongst the faculty participants.
Report By:
Mrs. Premalatha V.,
Mrs. Shanthi Roche,
IQAC Coordinators