A talk on “Interviews Cracking Skills and Information on Career Opportunities” was organized at Smt. Ratnabai Memorial Hall for the final year degree students on December 19, 2017.Mr.Ronith K Nanjappa ITM Group (Institution for Technology & Management) Bangalore, has given an informative talk on the above topic. The objective of this Career Guidance Programme is to create awareness among the outgoing students on the steps for success in interviews. The Program was started with invocation followed by brief introduction about the resource person. The session started with the key points for preparation to a successful interview and practice. The key notes given during the programme were self-evaluation, research to be done before going to the interview and Do and Dont’s at the time of appearing for an interview. Mr Ronith K Najappa in his talk gave a brief statistics on the current employability status. He listed down more than fifteen roles/designation currently being practiced in the core companies; their skill set requirement, companies name, job responsibilities etc and explained the career growth ladder. He emphasized on the importance of right mix of knowledge, attitude and additional skills for a successful career. The talk provided the students a platform for sharing their thoughts and was endowed with proper guidance regarding all the aspects of career. 60 students have actively participated in the programme.

Report by:
Mrs.Dejamma A.