Canara College NSS units organised a one day camp on 4 February 2018 as a part of its regular activities. 90 students with the NSS officer Prof. Dejamma A. and Ms. Raksha R. Acharya, Lecturer, Dept. Of Commerce also participated in the camp. The camp was organised in association with Department of Forest, Bantwal Region at Narahari Betta near KalladkaBantwal Taluk. Removing of shrubs and weeds for the purpose of next sapling for a divine tree park by forest department was the major shramadhan work assigned to the students.
Sri. Sadashiva temple at the top of the hill is under renovation. Students also done shramadhan work at the temple premises. Of the total volunteers nearly 25 are new to the camp. They learnt the importance of serving society with the social cause. The Range Forest Officer Sri. Suresh address the students with regard to functioning of Forest department, Job opportunities in Forest department and need for protecting forest for ecological balance. Students took part actively and expressed their happiness being a part of this camp in hilly place.
Report by:
Mrs.Dejamma A.