Multi Lingual Club, Canara College, Mangaluru, conducted life skills programme on July 18, 2018. Mr. Kailash Kumar and Mr. Prajwal, practitioner of Art of Living, Mangaluru gave the significant insights into the practice of meditation, improving concentration and stress management.
In his speech Mr. Kailsak Kumar highlighted the benefits of meditation and said, “With regular practice of meditation, students will see improvements ranging from health and well-being to academic performance. Students who practice meditation report lower levels of stress. They also have better concentration, more alertness, and greater resistance to the physical effects of stress during exams.”
Mr. Prajwal spoke on improving the power of concentration and stress management and said, “Meditation or Yoga is for the concentration and stability of mind and it is also helpful for stress relief and for the brain to get rest. There are various researches find that students who meditate daily get higher scores on affectivity, self-esteem, and emotional competence.” He advised students to follow the rules of meditation strictly. He concluded the programme by demonstrating a few Meditation Techniques for Beginners
Prof. Vani, Convenor of Multi Lingual Club, Co-Convenors Prof. Thara Kumari, Prof. Sujatha Nayak, Prof. Savita, Prof. Usha Nayak, Prof. Shanthala Vishwas, and Mr. Pramod Kumar P S and student members of Multi Lingual Club were present at the programme.
Report by : Prof. Pramod Kumar P.S.