Youth Red Cross of Canara College ,Mangaluru conducted a session on Life Skills at the college seminar hall on Wednesday August 29,2018. The resource person Prof Ignatius Navil Noronha, Assistant Professor ,Head of The Department Commerce ,explained the need of life skills for a contended life.
Mr Noronha encouraged the students to face all their problems courageously and not to back–off before giving a try. A “Johari Window” technique was brought into the notice of the volunteers to understand themselves and their relationships much better. In order to inculcate certain values and also to know what exactly hindrance is in life various activities was conducted. Values such as truth, love, honesty, punctuality, hard work, service and devotion to duty were highlighted during the session.
42 students from Youth Red Cross participated in this session. Prof. Dhanya S Shet & Prof Vinoda V Nayak Conveners of Youth Red Cross Unit present in the session. Ms. Madhumitha compered the programme.
Report by: Prof. Dhanya Shet