The Department of Business Administration of Canara College, Mangaluru., in association with Mangalore Management Association (MMA) ® and Forum of Business Management Teachers (FOBMAT) ® organized “Sankalp 2019 : A Call to Reawakening”,a one day National Level Conclave on the theme “Rejuvenating Vision to transform Indian Management Education in the Global Context” on Monday, February 25, 2019, at Smt. Ratna S. Shenoy Memorial Seminar Hall, Canara College, Mangaluru., at 09:30 AM.
The inaugural ceremony marked its auspicious beginning with invocation. An audio video clipping giving the glimpse of the overview of Sankalp 2019 was presented before the august gathering. The Chief Guest Prof. Dr. M. S. Moodithaya, the Pro Vice-Chancellor of Nitte University inaugurated the conclave by lighting the lamp along with the other dignitaries on the dais. He also released the conclave publication titled “Global Resurgence” and Sri Basti Purushotham Shenoy, the Governing Council Member of the College, released E-Proceedings of the conclave.
In his inaugural address, Prof. Dr. M. S. Moodithaya stressed the necessity of the transformation of Indian Management Education and policy changes in the wake of globalization and said, “We are progressively moving towards integrated and interdependent global economy. Whether we like it or not, need for inventing ourselves in the changing equation of the global innovation cannot be overlooked. We need to take this challenge very seriously and the time has come to rejuvenate our vision for the higher education.” He also urged to redefine higher education system and said it is the occasion to transform higher education from competition to collaboration. We need to stop competing with neighboring institutions. It is essential to collaborate and co-create with as many as organizations and people as possible. The collaboration provides every organization with equal opportunities to participate and communicate their ideas.
Prof. Dr. Amitabh Anand, Asst. Professor and Head, Dept. of Business Administration, SKEMA Business School, France, in his remarkable virtual keynote address highlighted on the impact of globalization and its role in developing collaborative work, research culture so as to compete and scale with the global environment. He also emphasized upon the concept of digitalization in management education and its paradigm shift in teaching, learning and evaluation process. Therefore, he urged that B-Schools of 21st century need to adapt to the rapid change of digitalization and widen their horizons by learning from the best practices of the global B-Schools.
Sri M. Ranghanath Bhat, Hon. Secretary, Canara High School Association, Mangaluru., presided over the inaugural ceremony.He in his presidential address said “the heart of education is the education of the heart. And with education one can have broader understanding and knowledge about everything that surrounds him. In order to be alert one has to be in an invariable stage of being student. People who learn, unlearn and relearn can build better nation.”
Partnering Associates Mr. Marcel Monteiro, President, MMA and Prof. Vidyadhara Hegde S., President, FOBMAT acknowledged and congratulated the organizers for choosing a befitting theme and shared their concern for timely and necessary transformation in management education.
Dr.K. V. Malini, the Principal and Conclave Director welcomed the gathering. Mr. Hardik P. Chauhan, Faculty and Conclave Convener shared greetings and message received from eminent personalities. Prof. Pushpalatha Head, Dept. of BBA and Conclave Convener, proposed the vote of thanks. Ms. Disha, Student, compered the programme.
Plenary Session 1:
The formal inaugural ceremony was followed by three Plenary Sessions and Panel Discussion. The first plenary session titled “Global Rethinking of Indian Management Education : The Current Scenario and Way Forward” had Prof. Dr. Smitha Nayak, Associate Professor, School of Management, MAHE, Manipal, as the Resource Person and emphasized on the survival of the fittest and to be fit, the B-Schools need to collaborate, foster Industry Institute Interaction, there must be quest for self-learning and above all being adapt is the need of current scenario. Mr. Walter D’ Souza, Industrialist and Former Chairman, Export Council Southern Region was the Moderator for this session. He urged that management institutes need to gear up for the changes that calls upon for giant transformation so as to build socially sensitive business leaders for tomorrow.
Plenary Session 2 :
The second plenary session titled “Building Global Momentum towards Transformation : Multifaceted Role of Stakeholders in Management Education” had CA Prof. Narayanan Nambiar, Chartered Accountant and Director, Global Financial Training Institute, Bengaluru., as the Resource Person. He in his presentation elucidated the vivid roles, responsibilities and contributions of the different stakeholders to management education viz., B-Schools, Management Educators, Industry, Policy Makers, Researchers and Students. Each stakeholder with its individual and collective actions leads to a certain outcomes. Prof. Gerard D’ Souza, Retd. Professor, MITE, Moodabidri, was the Moderator for this session. He appealed that stakeholders in management education need to collaborate not collide. Further arriving at a right match between needs of various stakeholders is a matter of concern.
Plenary Session 3 :
The post-lunch session i.e., plenary session three titled “Management Education 4.0 : Developing Global Business Leaders through Industry Institute Interface” had Prof. Dawn Prakash, Asst. Professor and Trainer, SDM PG Centre, Mangaluru., as the Resource Person. He in his presentation highlighted on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its impact especially on management education, emergence of digitalization in executive education, future of work and desired competencies expected from management graduates, role of industry and institutes in making B-Leaders through continuous interface, ways of developing employable workforce by matching industry expectations.CA M. Narasimhadas Pai, Chief Financial Officer, Semnox Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Managluru., moderating the session viewed that there is a genuine need for the change in the approach towards value creation in Indian management education. Also there is a need for overseas collaboration and draw some relevant strategies to enhance the value of Indian MBA.
Panel Discussion and Interaction :
Following plenary session three was panel discussion and interaction on the topic “Action Plan for Resurgence of India as Vishwaguru and a Global Destination for Management Education.” Prof. Dr. Vishal Samartha, Professor and Director, Dept. of Business Administration, Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management, Adyar, lead the panel as the chairperson. Dr. Nivedita Bhaktha, Research Lead, Centre for Science of Student Learning, New Delhi and Mrs. Vathika Pai. Proprietor, Vathika International Travels and Former President, KCCI, were the panel experts.
The valedictory ceremony of Sankalp 2019 was held at 4:30 PM. The Chief Guest, Mr. Allen C. A. Pereira, the Former Chairman and Managing Director,Bank of Maharashtra, speaking on the occasion said, “General as well as management education is basically western oriented and that has been emphasizing knowledge for life. Students are taught what the system says they need to know rather than what is relevant and of concern to them. Education will yield desired result when knowledge of life and knowledge for living go hand in hand.” He also lamented on commercialization management education and said, “Knowledge of life has taught us maximum utilization of natural as well as human resources for maximization of profit. Management education should focus on social entrepreneurship which has been given least importance in the present scenario. A social entrepreneur comes up with new solutions to disheartening social problems and then implements them on a large-scale that benefits humanity.”
Prof. Dr. Devaraj K, Founder and Former Director, SDM PG Centre, Mangaluru., was the Guest of Honor and he was conferred with “Outstanding Management Educator Award”.Prof. Dawn Prakash, Secretary, MMA made a felicitation announcement and read the citation.
Prof. Dr. Devaraj K.,accepting the honor and felicitation said, “This award belongs to my Institution.” In his address he stressed the importance of sustainable development in the wake of globalisation and said, “Sustainable development meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Due to the unplanned and the shortsighted economic growth, the poor will suffer a lot. Hence, management studies should focus on preservation of the nature, which is the real wealth of our country.”
Sri CA Vaman Kamath, Alternate Treasurer, Canara High School Association, Mangaluru., presided over the ceremony and justified the need for social entrepreneurship. He gave an example of Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh who revolutionized economics by founding the Grameen bank or “Village Bank.” Sri M.Padmanabha Pai, Correspondent, Canara Engineering College, Benjanapadavu.,was the special invitee of the program.
Prof. Dr. K. V. Malini, Principal and Conclave Director welcomed the gathering. Mr. Hardik P. Chauhan, Faculty and Conclave Convener presented a Report of the entire day’s proceedings.Prof. Pushpalatha Head, Dept. of BBA and Conclave Convener, proposed the vote of thanks. Ms. Disha, Student, compered the programme.
Sankalp 2019 had a total of about 150 participants comprising of 65 delegate participation, 25 student delegates, 02 Research Scholars and 38 faculty delegates. 16 Research Proposals / Papers were contributed. Apart from this, Distinguished Guests, 12 Resource Persons, the Office Bearers of Mangalore Management Association ® and Forum of Business Management Teachers ®, Heads of our sister educational institutions, Principals of neighboring institutions, Conclave Sponsors, faculty members of the College and the students of the department have attended and benefited from the conclave.
Conclave Sponsors :
We remain grateful to our conclave sponsors for their generous contribution and kind support extended in organizing this event.
- CANARA BANK, Centenary Branch, Canara College Building, MG Road, kodialbail, Mangaluru.
- MARITIME AGENCIES, Prop : Mr. Doreswamy D. K., Dealers in Marine Materials, South KanaraandUdupi District Fish Marketing Federation Building, NSR WHARF Fishing Harbour, Mangaluru – 575 001.
- DHARSHAN SWITCH GEARS, Prop :Balasubrahmanya K., Poonam Ashanikethan, Near Sanghanikethan, Gandhinagar, Mangaluru – 575 003.
- ASSISI PRESS, Manager : Rev. Fr. Maxim D’ Silva, Assisi Complex, Jail Road, Bejai, Mangaluru – 575 003.
Sankalp 2019 indeed sowed a seed of volition that would promise to look back on the roots of Indian management education and help the future bring the past back of making India the number one destination for imparting management proficiency. It attempted to churn the curd well enough to derive at the butter to implement measures in order to help rejuvenate our country to the top of go to list of management studies. A number of luminaries including cream of the entrepreneurial world participated to contribute ideas to bring about vital changes in setting curriculum for business management education at par with the global standards. The event turned out to be a grand success.
This mega academic event strived to achieve the core values of contributing to national development, fostering global competency and eliciting quest for excellence amongst the beneficiaries.
Prof. Dr. K. V. Malini Prof. Pushpalatha
Principal & Conclave Director
Mr. Hardik P. Chauhan
Conclave Conveners
Report By ,
Prof. Pushpalatha & Mr. Hardik P. Chauhan
- Sankalp 2019
- Sankalp 2019