On 16th March, 2019 all the students and their parents of II BBA received advance notice of Parent teacher meeting which was dated on 18th March 2019 at 3:15 pm in the College. All the students were instructed to attend the meeting with their wards without fail.
On 18th March, 2019 at 3:15 pm all the parents were escorted to seminar hall by their wards, where the meeting was due to take place. Mrs. Pushpalatha H.O.D, commenced the meeting by welcoming all the parents and their wards. All the BBA faculties viz, Ms. Priyanka, Mrs. Laksmi, Mrs. Savitha and Mr. Hardik Chauhan were present.The open house meet had three panels, and the students along with their parents visited their respective panels, assigned to them. The meet included the paper seeing process, overall internal marks etc., which in return gave the parents an idea of their ward’s performance.
Mrs. Pushpalatha made all the parents aware about current class conditions and behavioral traits of students followed by enlightening them about the new attendance system. Few queries were answered related to it.e session is wound up by face to face interaction with parents and their wards by handing over their answer scripts and semester results attendance details and other related queries of each students.
Report by : Prof. Pushpalatha