As a part of Social welfare initiative, the Youth Red Cross unit in collaboration with Student Welfare Council organized an extension activity on February 11, 2020.A Team of 16 Youth Red Cross volunteers visited Chethana Child Development Centre, Mangaluru to join hands together with special children in preparing paper bags using newspaper and magazines.
The revenue earned by selling these paper bags are used for the various activities of the school. The volunteers expressed their pleasure of organizing this event in the school and the programme officers of the YRC unit assured co-operation and association in the future as well.The volunteers gained a diversified knowledge about the challenges faced by various children with disabilities and the way of handling their needs. The special children won the admiration of all and students realized that even special children can beat normal human beings in creativity and uniqueness.
Youth Red Cross Programme officers Mrs. Smitha M. & Mrs. Roopashri K.P. and Student Welfare Mentors Mrs. Vani U.S, Mrs. Prathima V. Baliga and Dr. Prashanth Bhat were also present and involved themselves in the activity of paper bag making.
Report by
Mrs.Smitha M.