One day Basic Training Programme on Human Rights sponsored by Human Rights Commission, New Delhi was held at St. Agnes College Mangalore. The training programme was inaugurated by Shamala Kunder, member of National Commission New Delhi. She addressed the gathering about the increasing role of women in various sectors and stressed the need for women empowerment. Ms Mena Kumari K. counselor and life skills educator gave an introduction to Human Rights. She explained the meaning and three generation of human rights and highlighted the importance of Human Rights in our life. Dr Shilpa A.P, Associate Professor SDM College in her session on Rights of women and children said rights of women and children are crucial for a democratic society. She added saying that not only the existence of women rights are important, practicing them are necessary. Ms. Merlyn Martis in her session gave detailed information on various human right institutions in India and explained its functions. Violation of Human Rights takes place in the school level itself said Mr. Mahesh Chandra Nayak Associate professor and HOD SDM Law College in his session on Human Rights of vulnerable groups. He also suggested various solutions like counseling to overcome this issue
Students and staff from various colleges in Mangalore actively participated in this training program. Human rights being a part of consumer education five members of our association accompanied by Staff Coordinator Mrs. Jayashree Shetty were also the beneficiary of this training program.

Report by:
Mrs. Ashalatha