A Talk on “Gender issues by transgenders” was held on February 26, 2020 in seminar hall at 3.30pm. This Programme was organised by Rovers and Rangers unit. 20 students participated in this session. This talk was delivered by a team of transgenders from Navasahaja Samudhaya Sangha, Mangaluru.Dr.Ganesh Shetty, President of Human Values and Professional Ethics Cell, welcomed the gathering. The talk was initiated by sharing of experience by few transgenders. They spoke about the problems faced by them in day today life.
The students and staff members asked genuine questions about the life of transgenders. Allquestions were rightly answered and the various issues were discussed in detail.The programme concluded with vote of thanks by Dr.Ganesh Shetty. The students and staff members of Rovers and Rangers, Tulu Sangha and Human Values and Professional Ethics Cell attended this Seminar.

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