Amid the ongoing COVID–19 pandemic, a virtual meeting of the Parent and Teachers’ was organized through Google meet on Monday, December 08, 2020 at 6:00 P.M.
Dr. Premalatha V., Principal, highlighted the initiates taken by the college and the efforts put in by the teachers to reach out the students especially during this prevalent situation of COVID-19 pandemic. She also urged the parents to ensure that their ward regularly attends the online / virtual classes and stays in tune with the academics.
The Academic Class Mentor Mr. Hardik P. Chauhan updated the parents about the status of academics, lessons covered across the courses, initiatives and activities undertaken by the department right from the commencement of the academic year, information about the scheduled First IAE, students’ attendance to online / virtual classes. 37 parents attended the meeting and the course faculty members participated in this meeting. A total of 46 participants attended the meeting

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