In consonant with the World Environment Day theme 2021 – “Restoration of Ecosystems”, the World Environment Day in the college campus was celebrated on June 05, 2021 by planting saplings in the backyard Botanical Garden. Principal Dr. Premalatha V. along with the IQAC Coordinators Mrs. Dejamma A. and Mr. Hardik P. Chauhan participated in this occasion by planting the saplings.
Amidst the prevalent COVID-19 pandemic, while cherishing the essence of the initiative, Principal Dr. Premalatha V., said “The value and purpose of these saplings is enormous; and their existence is vital for our survival. We must plant more saplings for a better tomorrow. We must find ways and means to make our planet Earth more clean and green. We all must make sincere effort to connect ourselves with the environment.”
The celebration through this initiative reaffirmed the growing need and concern towards nurturing, caring and protecting the environment for the generations to come.
The initiative strived to promote the core value of inculcating a value system amongst all.
Report By:
Mrs. Dejamma A. & Mr. Hardik P. Chauhan
IQAC Coordinators