Department of Mathematics in association with NSS organized an extension activity for rural area school students on February 24, 2022 at DKZP Govt School, Kodman. Mrs. Keerthi Alva, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Mrs. Poornima, Faculty Convenor, delivered a talk on “Interesting facts of Basic Math”. The aim of this program was to provide vital life skills for school students. The objective was to help the students to come up with different methods on problem solving and develop their analytical thinking.
The Simple techniques to solve multiplication, addition, fraction, subtraction of large numbers using Vedic Mathematics and techniques to learn big number tables were taught in this session. Vedic Maths helps the student to solve Mathematical problem faster and reduces the burden of memorizing difficult concepts. Also, math related games and puzzles were conducted for the students. Students participated enthusiastically and enjoyed the session. 50 students were benefited from the program.
At the end of the session, students interacted, and few students tried simple techniques of Vedic Math to solve problems. The programme was concluded successfully, and sweets were distributed among school students.
It helped students to improve their knowledge, skill and techniques of solving problems in Mathematics. This activity strived to achieve core values of contributing to national development, fostering global competency and eliciting quest for excellence amongst the student beneficiaries.
Report By,
Mrs. Keerthi & Mrs. Poornima