The Centre for PG Studies in Commerce organised a programme titled ‘Job Interview- Demo’ on April 12, 2022 at 2.00 p.m. in the M Com Classroom. Mr. Abhishek Shenoy, who is studying Company Secretaries, Ms. Swarna Bhandarkar, who is studying Company Secretaries, and Ms. Krithi Prabhu G., who is pursuing M Com at Mangalore University, were on the interview panel. Following the submission of a CV, a mock job interview was conducted. It was held with the goal of preparing our students for a real job interview, giving them an idea of how they should prepare in order to achieve their goals.
The Principal, Dr. Premalatha V., presided over the event. 21 students participated in the programme. Ms. Devika Prabhu of I M Com hosted the event.
Report by,
Mrs. Swathi Nayak