A talk on ‘Women: Wealth of the World’ was organized by the Centre for Women and Gender Studies on July 25, 2022 at 3.15 P.M. in the seminar hall. Dr. Sumana B., Assistant Professor of Sociology, Dr. P. Dayananda Pai Satish Pai Government First Grade College, Mangaluru was the eminent resource person. Dr. Sumana B. stated that just like any other wealth, women, too, must be honoured and considered auspicious. “Women possess infinite capabilities which they need to explore and stand strong in times of adversities”, said Dr. Sumana addressing the girl students. She also emphasized the need for young girls to empower themselves with the greatest weapon of the modern era – Education. She concluded saying that women are, in the true sense, ‘the wealth of the world’. 40 girl students benefitted from this inspiring talk. Mrs. M. Keerthana Bhat welcomed the gathering and also proposed the vote of thanks.
This activity aimed to fulfill the NAAC core values such as fostering global competencies, quest for excellence and inculcating value system among students.
Report By,Mrs. Ashalatha, Mrs. Soujanya, Mrs. M. Keerthana Bhat