Vermicomposting is a way of natural composting of organic waste to valuable manure.
Zoology Department organized Hands- on Training on Pot Method of Vermicomposting for II Years of Open Electives students on August 20, 2022 in Zoology laboratory under the able guidance of Mrs. Pushpanjali S, Assistant Professor in Zoology and advisor Mrs. Sushama C, Head of the Department.
Students collected the earthworms and materials for composting from the Botanical Garden of the College. Vermicomposting method was carried out in mud pot. Students prepared the vermi-bed using coconut fibre and then added biodegradable materials such as shredded dry leaves for processing. The cow dung slurry was added to the waste material followed by the earthworms and was kept for decomposition.
The hands-on training met its objective as it was designed to provide the practical experience where the learner is able to perform vermicomposting and to meet educational curriculum. Altogether 13 students actively participated. This activity strived to achieve core values of contribution to national development, fostering global competency and quest for excellence amongst the student participants.
Report By,Mrs. Pushpanjali S