The Rovers and Rangers Association organized kayaking activity in the backwaters of River Shambhavi at Kayak Boy Sports Club, Mulki on October 23, 2022 which began at 8.00 am and ended at 10.30 am. Activity started with wearing life jackets and understanding safety precautions. 15 students from R and R Association activity took part in this event. Kayaking journey started with ease, and students explored different locations of river Shambhavi and learned how to pass hurdles on their way such as mangroves, bridge, and narrow pathways etc.
Rover Scout Leader Mr. Karthik K Kamath and Ranger Leader Ms. Dhanashri Kulkarni took the initiative and took part in kayaking activity.
Report By,Mr. Karthik K Kamath
Ms. Dhanashri Kulkarni