As we celebrate the Golden Jubilee of our college and the festival of lights, Tulu Sangha organized Goodu Deepa competition in the college campus on 27th October 2022 at 6.30 pm. 15 Teams from different classes enthusiastically participated in this competition. The competition was judged by Mr. Gopalkrishna Shetty, Director of Canara P U College, Mrs. Vani U, Head of the Dept. Kannada, Mr. Adhithya Bhat who is a well known Businessman Judged the competition and appreciated the creativity of students. Vaibhavi and Group of I BCA won the first prize, Adith Rai of II B.Com B won the second prize. Ankitha of 3 rd B.Com B won the Third prize.
Report By,Mrs. Savitha D K