Cyber Security Awareness Campaign

October 31, 2022

The members of the IT Association organized a class to class Cyber Security Awareness Campaign on October 31, 2022.

Two teams led by Ms. Suvidha, Secretary, IT Association and Mr. Karthik C Malsekar, Joint Secretary, IT Association went to different classes and created awareness on cyber threats, cyber-crimes, importance of cyber security, its benefits and how to be cyber safe & cyber smart. After which members handed over a Cyber Security Awareness poster to the class representative to pin on the notice board. The members also urged students to share the information with their family and friends to make cyber space safer together.

Members of the association also took Cyber Security Awareness Month Pledge online under the ‘Do Your Part, Be Cyber Smart’ initiative. Members of the association also participated in the Online Quiz organized the IT Association. Mr. Karthik C Malsekar, Joint Secretary, organized the quiz. The faculty conveners of the association, Mrs. Prathima V Baliga & Mrs. Shailja Kumary T G guided, trained and encouraged students in organizing this campaign.Altogether 1196 students took benefit of this campaign.

Report By,
Mrs. Prathima V Baliga
Mrs. Shailaja Kumary T G

Last updated by Prathima Baliga.

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