An orientation programme of Science Association was organized on November 09, 2022 at 1.20pm at the Zoology laboratory. 32 members of the association were present for the program.
The session began with the introduction of staff conveners Mrs. Pushpanjali S and Mrs. Poornima. The student convenors Ms. Vikitha V and Mr. V Venkatesh was also present during the program.
The aims and objectives of the association were familiarized to the members. The activities of the association for the academic year 2022- 2023 were briefed to the members. They were also informed about the main programs such as Basic Science Lab programme, Terahertz and also CANFEST- an annual fest of the college organized under science association. The student convenor outlined programmes to be held and gave them an idea about how it works. The queries of the students were addressed by the staff and student conveners.
This orientation programme met all its objectives as it was conducted to familiarize each student with information regarding the activities of the association.The orientation program strived to achieve the core value of fostering global competency amongst the members of the association.
Report By,Mrs. Pushpanjali S.
Mrs. Poornima