On account of the observance of National Integration Week 2022, Konkani Bhasha Vidyarthi Mandal organised an Awareness program on ‘Bhasha Souhardatha’ an extension activity at S.A.T.H.S Manjeshwar. KBVM members successfully conducted a session on importance of integrity, harmony, various languages and its importance, and conducted quiz & other activities for lower and higher primary children of the school.
Members of KBVM Thrivikram Shenoy, Vineeth Bhaktha, Pawan Pai and Vasudev Bhaktha rendered a talk on eminent poets of different states such as Rashtra Kavi Govinda Pai, Kuvempu, Vellathol Narayana Menon, Mahadevi Verma and Subhramanya Bharathi and their works in different languages. They also entertained the school children by conducting games on matching the names of poets and their works, so as to check the grasping power of the students.
A power point presentation was made by Gopala Krishna Pai, student of our college regarding the specialities of our 28 states, the different dance forms, cuisine and languages spoken. Students showed their interest on the same by answering the questions asked and by noting down the information. School children showed their love towards our nation by singing the song ‘Bharath humko jaan se pyara hein’ along with our students Anushree Prabhu and Pawan Pai.
Prizes were distributed to the winners of the quiz and games competition. Students were encouraged to actively participate in such activities in the future too. Moreover the students voluntarily took part in answering all the questions after every useful talk.
The responses from 200 students was overwhelming. Ms Shwetha Pai M, association convenor directed and coordinated the smooth conduct of the activity.
Report By,
Ms. Shwetha Pai M