Tulu Sangha of the college organized a special talk on the topic Bharata Da Samvidhana in Tulu on November 30 , 2022 at 3.30 pm in Seminar Hall. Dr. P Anantha Krishna Bhat, Constitutional Expert and also Rtd. Professor of Political Science, Canara College was the resource person of the day. He delivered a speech in Tulu on the significance of Indian Constitution. He mentioned that as a responsible citizens of the country it is our duty to follow the constitutional values. He also spoke about the emergency provision under Indian constitution. Mrs. Sudheetsha of III B.Com D rendered the prayer. Mrs. Savitha DK convenor, welcomed the gathering and introduced the guest. 30 students of the Sangha witnessed the programme. Secretary of Tulu Sangha Mr. Sushan Shetty proposed the vote of Thanks.
Report By,Mrs. Savitha D K