On account of Geetha Jayanthi, Sanskrit Sangha organized a talk on “Geethayaha Saarvakalikatvam” on November 30, 2022 in the seminar hall of our college.
K. Subrahmanya Bhat, Sanskrit Teacher, NITK, English Medium School, Surathkal was the resource person of the programme. He delivered a speech that “The bond of togetherness between the people regardless of their cast, creed, religion or gender plays a vital role.” Reiterating Lord Shri Krishna’s words, he added, “Don’t let the fruit be the purpose of your Karma.” Mrs. Dejamma A., Head, Department of Commerce and Management presided over the programme. Mrs. Chethana, Convenor of Sanskrit Sangha was present on the occasion.
The students of Sanskrit Sangha, Ms. Shrashti Nayak from III B.com B, and Harshitha Mallya III B.com B rendered a prayer. Ms. Chandana Nayak of II BBA welcomed the guest. Mr.Thejas of III BCA proposed the vote of thanks. Ms. Sindhoora B.S of I B.com B was the Master of Ceremony. 54 students were benefited by this talk.
Report By
Mrs. Chethana