A session on “Medical Negligence” for the students of Consumer Forum Association was conducted on December 7, 2022 by Mrs. Sushma R Shetty, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Management, Canara College. The main objective of the session was to make the students understand the concept of Medical Negligence, its effects and the laws related to Medical Negligence. The resource person started the session by addressing the students regarding Medical Negligence, the situations where Medical Negligence is practiced citing a few of her own personal experiences. Negligence in field of medicine is an act or omission by a health care provider which deviates from standards of practice in the medical community and which causes injury to the patient. She addressed the students on the duties of a doctor and medical institutions. She educated the students on different types of Medical Negligence practiced in the medical field and the consequences. She discussed how a victim or his family can file a complaint and also discussed regarding the amount of compensation for various claims. The resource person concluded with an interactive session. The session was attended by 20 students.
Report By,Mrs Rashmi