On account of Youth Day celebration a talk session on “Youth Empowerment” was organized by the Youth Red Cross unit of our College on January 16, 2023 for the volunteers of Youth Red Cross. Mrs. Sushma R. Shetty, Assistant Professor in Commerce and Management was the Resource Person.
Mrs. Sushma highlighted in her speech that all-round development of the individual should be the objective of education. Every student should read and meditate on the principles and ideals of Swami Vivekananda. Furthermore, she stressed that if the youth maintain a goal during their studies, a better society can be built alongside their prosperity.
Total of 63 Youth Red Cross volunteers participated in this session and the session was coordinated by Youth Red Cross Programme Officers Mrs. Smitha M. and Mrs. Roopashri K. P. Contributed to national development, fostered global competencies and inculcated value system among students
Report By,Mrs. Smitha M.
Mrs. Roopashri K. P