Each of us has innate capabilities to be creative. Each of us is born with different levels of natural talent or proclivity in various art forms. Each of us, with no training, can pick up a brush and make a painting, or open our mouths and sing, or shape words inventively to create a poem.
But, no matter how naturally gifted you are, every artist benefits from a deep study of the art and history of their chosen form. By studying the tools and practices, by studying the work of other artists, one gains a palette of possibilities with which to work and create work that is more powerful, creative, effective, beautiful and striking.
With the objective of nurturing love for poem among students, a sample of verse was provided to them, which helped in eliciting the hidden talent of a few. On April 01, 2023, from 11:30am to 12:25pm students tried their hand at composing poems. They enjoyed diving into the many wonders and mysteries of the world of poetry.
Mr.Shreethesh Shridhar, Ms.Meghana, Ms.Keerthana, Ms.Sowmyashree, Ms.Roopa, Ms.Kshama creatively and beautifully penned down their thoughts and feelings in the form of a poem and presented it before the class. 25 students took part in this activity.
Report By,Mrs. Shailaja P.