“Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you will make a difference,” said Arie Pencovici. Graduation is not the end; but the end of a new beginning. It is a symbol of progress, change, and fulfillment. Graduation is only a concept. In real life every day you graduate. A graduation ceremony is a pageant celebrating the transition from student to graduate marking the beginning of an exciting new chapter in their life.
The occasion is even more special this year while the nation will step into its Amrit Kaal, the Institution will mark the completion of 50 glorious golden years of its illustrious existence while educating the generations for righteous life. A year-long celebration with meaningful myriad activities and initiatives will witness its culmination in the upcoming month, thus marking the denouement of Golden Jubilee Celebrations. Moreover, today i.e. May 28, 2023 is also a historic day as the Mother of Democracy gets a new befitting Temple of Democracy – The newly constructed Parliament House of India which is being dedicated to the Nation by the Honorable Prime Minister of India.
To make it more significant and also to celebrate the progression and advancement of the graduating students, the Institute’s Second Graduation Day Ceremony of the Graduands from the Class of 2021-22 was celebrated with grandeur on Sunday, May 28, 2023 at 10:00 AM in T. V. Raman Pai Convention Centre, Kodialbail, Mangaluru. Prof. Dr. Raju Krishna Chalannavar, Registrar (Evaluation), Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, was the Chief Guest for this special day.
The Guest and the dignitaries adorned with the Anagavastrams (Graduation Stoles) moved towards a group photograph. The ceremony then marked its beginning with the academic procession having the Dignitaries viz., ushered by the Coordinator of Examinations and Convener Mrs. Smitha M.; the Heads of Academic Programmes– Mrs. Sandhya B., Mrs. Jayabharathi K. P., Mrs. Dejamma A., and Mrs. Swathi Nayak; the Administrator Dr. Deepti Nayak; the Principal Dr. Premalatha V.; the Members of the Governing Board of Management in attendance – Sri T. Gopal Krishna Shenoy, Sri CA M. Vaman Kamath, and Sri Basti Purushotham Shenoy; Mrs. Ujwal Mallya S., P.R.O., Canara High School Association; the Correspondent Sri CA M. Jagannath Kamath; the Manager Sri K. Shivananda Shenoy; the Honorary Secretary of Canara High School Association Sri M. Ranganath Bhat; the Chief Guest of the day Prof. Dr. Raju Krishna Chalannavar, Registrar (Evaluation), Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri; and the President of the programme Sri M. Padmanabha Pai, Vice President of Canara High School Association, Mangaluru.
The dignitaries then graced the dais. The prayer team invoked the blessings of the Almighty with the College prayer and rendered the State song – Nadageete. This was followed by the very meaningful and symbolic task of lighting the ceremonial lamp by the Chief Guest and other dignitaries on the dais. The President of the programme, Sri M. Padmanabha Pai, Vice President, Canara High School Association, Mangaluru then declared the Second Graduation Day open.
The Chief Guest Prof. Dr. Raju Krishna Chalannavar in his Graduation Day address said –”I heartily congratulate all the outstanding students who have successfully completed their studies through hard work, dedication, and discipline. This is a moment of pride for all of you, as well as for your teachers, and parents. I hope you will use your education to achieve a better future for yourself while also contributing positively to nation-building.”
“Dear Graduates, learning is an ongoing process and your graduation is the beginning of a very challenging journey ahead of you. Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. We live today in the era of Industrial Revolution, where every part of our life is being controlled by technology. However, we must keep in mind that technology is a valuable servant but a dangerous master.”
“Today, I would say, realize your potential; realize what you can do in life, because what you can do in life is only what you know. Make this country proud, make yourself proud, and make your parents proud; the opportunity is literally in your hands. I wish all the graduates the very best for their future and may you all have a happy life ahead.”
The Correspondent Sri CA M. Jagannath Kamath in his message to the Graduands said –“Graduation day tells how far you have come while marking a milestone in your academic journey. Knowledge breeds wisdom and understanding and I, therefore, appeal to you to live a life driven by the value of knowledge. Seek it as much as you can and determine how to apply it for your own good, your community, and the global society. Hence, it is vital to keep learning, keep trying, keep accomplishing, and keeping venturing on through your journey.Always remember your Alma mater with grateful hearts and stay connected to your roots. Hope that you will continue to learn, grow, and excel in whatever purposeful you will do. We wish and hope that you will always remain happy, healthy, and successful in your future endeavors. On behalf of the institution, I offer you all my prayerful best wishes as you all go forth.”
Sri M. Ranganath Bhat, Honorary Secretary, Canara High School Association, Mangaluru in his meaningful message said –”Graduation Day gives a sense of achievement and responsibility towards fulfilling their commitments throughout the academic endeavors of the graduates. Moreover, graduating is showing that you did it, you worked for something and it paid off. Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today. As you leave this hall today, you are entering into a new phase of your life. You are going to face new challenges and a spectrum of opportunities, new hopes and dreams, new responsibilities, vivid aspirations and a lot of expectations. You are also carrying with you the knowledge, skills, values, and memories that you have acquired from your institution. You are joining a network of alumni who have gone before you and who will go after you. You are thus becoming ambassadors of your own institution and your chosen field of study. You are ought to make a difference in the world.”
The President of the programme Sri M. Padmanabha Pai, Vice President, Canara High School Association, Mangaluru in his presidential address said – “Instructions end in the classroom, but the real education ends only with life. Great things never come from comfort zones. Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill with your own purpose and potentials. Take pride in how far you have come. Have faith in how far you can go. But do not forget to enjoy the journey. Anything is possible when you just believe in yourself. Follow your passion. Stay true to yourself. Never follow someone else’s path. Instead create your own and leave a trail. Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else can. Live your life with integrity and dignity. May your graduation be the beginning of many more wonderful achievements in your life. I wish luck and look forward to hearing about your future endeavors.”
The Heads of respective Academic Programmes presented the graduands before the Principal for the conferment of the degrees. Mrs. Swathi Nayak presented the graduands of M.Com. Programme, Mrs. Sandhya B. presented the graduands of B.Sc. Programme, Mrs. Jayabharathi K. P. presented the graduands of B.C.A. Programme and Mrs. Dejamma A. presented the graduands of B.Com. and B.B.A. Programme. The Chief Guest Prof. Dr. Raju Krishna Chalannavar, Registrar (Evaluation), Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, along with other Members of the Governing Board of Management, the Principal and the Administrator presented the Convocation Degree Certificates to the Graduands.
The Principal Dr. Premalatha V. then conferred the degrees upon the Graduands and administered the Graduation Pledge to the graduands wherein they affirmed to faithfully adhere to the ideals of their alma mater; promised to work for a better world, pledged to use their knowledge for the well-being of the community in a socially responsible way; thereby imbibing the Institutional Panchasheela Core Values and the motto ‘Satyam Vada, Dharmam Chara’ to ever be the guiding principle of their life.
A total of 296 graduates from different programmes including those in absentia were conferred with their degrees and presented their convocation degree certificates.
Ms. Mamatha Prajapathi and Ms. Ananya Laxmi from M.Com. Programme, Ms. Bhoomi G. Shetty from B.Sc. Programme, Ms. Saispoorthi from B.C.A. Programme and Ms. Arathi Goad from B.Com. Programme and Shetty Vindya Sanjeeva from B.B.A. Programme shared their nostalgic memories with the institution and also expressed gratitude towards their alma mater. With grateful hearts they thanked the teachers for extending their all-time support and positive mentoring.
The Administrator Dr. Deepti Nayak introduced the Guest, and welcomed the dignitaries and the gathering. The Coordinator of Examinations and Convener Mrs. Smitha M. proposed the vote of thanks. The IQAC Coordinator and Convener of the Programme Mr. Hardik P. Chauhan anchored the ceremony.
The ceremony was witnessed by the gracious presence of the Heads of Sister Institutions, representatives of PTA and Alumni, other special invitees, parents of the graduands, and members of the staff.
At the culmination of the ceremonial proceedings, the President of the programme Sri M. Padmanabha Pai, Vice President, Canara High School Association, Mangaluru dissolved the Graduation Day. The ceremony concluded with respectfully singing the National Anthem. This was followed by the recessional march.
The students then had a class-wise photo session capturing their memories on camera, along with their teachers and fellow mates sharing the dais one last time.The day ended with big smiles on the faces of the new graduates.It was truly a memorable day to remember and cherish. All then joined for the fellowship lunch.
The ceremony marked the celebration of milestones and educational achievements that students put into their educational pursuits. The exuberating moment bore testimony to the fruitful culmination of the industrious educational journey on which the graduands embarked upon. The campus brimmed with the hopes, dreams and aspirations of the graduating students. The ecstatic parents along with the students were excited to be at the threshold of a new chapter in their lives. The program strived to instill a value system and elicit quest for excellence among the graduates.
Report By,
Mr. Hardik P. Chauhan & Mrs. Smitha M.
Conveners, II Graduation Day