Translation is a very fast evolving discipline and its exponential growth is rapidly shaping the Translation Industry today. Translation is a means of inter-lingual communication through which the translator makes possible an exchange of information between the users of different languages by producing in the target language (TL or the translating language) a text which has an identical communicative value in the original or Source text (ST).
With the aim to highlight the importance and relevance of translation in the present world, Mangalore University, Konkani Adhyayana Peeta, Konkani Club, and the Multilingual Associations of Canara College, Mangaluru jointly organised a special talk – ‘Translation Today: Principles and Challenges’ on June 07, 2023 at 2:30pm at Smt. Ratna Bai Shenoy Memorial Hall, Canara College.
Dr. B. Devadasa Pai, Research Professor, IoE, Srinivas University & Dept of PG Studies in Konkani, UEC, Mangalore University was the Resource Person for the program. Emphasizing the need and importance of translation, he stated, “The walls created by languages are demolished by translation.” Citing apt examples from literary texts, he further explained how translation enables easy exchange of cultures and ideas, thereby enriching the language.
The Resource Person also explained about the various techniques of digital translation used in recent times which would not only facilitate and expedite the translation work, but also enhance its quality. Highlighting the relevance of learning the skill of good quality translation, he stated that in modern times, a good translator has ample job opportunities.
Dignitaries gracing the occasion were Dr. Jayavanth Nayak, Coordinator, K. A. Peeta, Mangalore University; Dr. Deepthi Nayak, Administrator, Canara College; and Dr. Kalpana Prabhu J., Head, Department of Hindi, Canara College.
Girish Nayak, Student Member of Sanskrit Association, rendered the prayer; K. Vineet Bhaktha, Student Member of KBVM welcomed the gathering; M. Thrivikram Shenoy, Student Member of KBVM, proposed the vote of thanks; and Vedanth Nayak P., Student Member of KBVM was the Master of Ceremony. Mrs. M. Keerthana Bhat, Convener, Konkani Bhasha Vidyarthi Mandal, Mrs. Sujatha G. Nayak, Convener, Hindi Association; Mrs. Shailaja P., Convener, Kannada Association and Mrs. Chethana, Convener, Sanskrit Association coordinated the program. Total 40 students benefitted from this program.
Report By,
Mrs. M. Keerthana Bhat,Mrs. Shailaja Pudukoli P.,Mrs. Sujatha Nayak and Mrs. Chethana