On June 24, 2023, interested final year students collected molluscan shells and insects, which they identified and preserved in the laboratory museum. The purpose of this collection was to study the characteristics, habitats, and the beautiful diversity of marine shells and insects that occur in different ecological niches. These organisms can be either harmful or beneficial, and they play an important role in various ecological systems. The molluscan shell collection primarily consists of gastropods and bivalves, with a few scaphopods, polyplacophorans, and cephalopods.
The students collected shells in which the animals had already died (dead collecting). They ensured that the shells were well cleaned and provided each one with a complete label, which will help preserve them for years.
Among the Class Insecta, Lepidoptera emerged as the most diverse order, followed by the orders Hymenoptera and Coleoptera. The majority of identified lepidopterans were moths, ranging from slim-bodied, dull-colored ones to stout-bodied, brightly colored ones, recorded at different stages of growth. Hymenopterans mainly comprised wasps, bees, and ants, while coleopterans were mainly represented by beetles.
In total, 22 students participated in the collection of molluscan shells and insects. This activity served to achieve Contribution to National Development, Inculcating value system amongst the students and quest for excellence
Report by,
Mrs. Pushpanjali S
Mrs. Sushama