Career education and the guidance play an important role in curriculum that supports students’ interests, strengths and aspirations. Which also making informed decisions about their subjects choices and pathways. For the final year students at the end of their Bsc is a time of many changes taking place in their life. It a time when career decisions are made. That is why they need a proper guidance for the right direction. To provide proper guidance for the students Department of Chemistry in association with Rotary Club Mangalore organized a Career Guidance Programme a Journey from Campus to Corporate for the final Bsc students on June 30, 2023. Prof. Ronald Pinto, Director, Institute for Individual Development, Mangalore was a resource person.
The programme started with the formal welcoming the guests and the gathering and also the introduction of the resource person to the gathering by Mr. Shreesha Shree student of III BZC. Dr. Deepthi Nayak, Administrator of our College was presiding over the programme. Guests of hourners Prof Dr Chinnagiri Gowda President, Rotary Club, Mangalore Sunrise and Mr Joseph DSilva Vice President and President Elect for 2023-24 also briefed about the importance of career guidance. The formal programme concluded with the vote of thanks by Ms. Jyothilaxmi II PCM and Shweta Priya II BZC was the master of ceremony.
After the formal function the resource person took over the session. He introduced the students to various fields available for higher studies which has greater demand in the society. He introduced the students to the World of competitive exams. How one can prepare for such exams for explained briefly. He also explained the job opportunities available basic science field through which the students can get better placement opportunities. He also Explained the Proper methods of writing CV and facing interviews during the placement. 48 students from final PCM and BZC participated in this programme. Most of the students cleared their Doubts and queries during question answer session. All the students enjoyed this session and thanked the convenors of this programme Mrs. Roopashri K P and Mrs. Soujanya D. for organizing this programme. Mrs. Sandhya B H.O.D also appreciated and hand over the momento to the resource person as a token of gratitude.
Report By,
Mrs. Roopashri K. P. and Mrs. Soujanya D.