Student Welfare Council organized ‘Pedal for Paws’ in our College on July 01, 2023. Mr. Abhin Bangera, President of the Student Welfare Council, started the program with the elucidation of the reasons for organizing the program. The aim was to educate the public about the plight of the street animals and the need for their care and compassion. Further, the rules and regulations about the cycle rally were stated. The cycle rally began with a flag-off by Mrs. Sushma R. Shetty, Student Welfare Mentor. Convenor of the Student Welfare Council, other members of the SWC, and students of the college enthusiastically participated in the program.
The cycle rally began with full vigour and enthusiasm. After all the participants reached the final destination, the Valedictory Program was held in the College Seminar Hall. The Valedictory Program started with an introductory speech by the Student President Mr. Abhin Bangera. Mementos and participation certificates were distributed to all the participants by Dr. Premalatha V., Principal, Canara College, Dr. Deepthi Nayak, Administrator, Canara College, Mrs. Rajani Shetty, and Mr. Toushif Ahmed, animal rescuers, Mangalore and Student Welfare Mentors of the College.
Altogether 44 participants took part in this program, including students of Canara College and the public. The vote of thanks was given by the College’s Joint Secretary Mr. Harshith, and the program concluded with the National Anthem.
Report By,
Mrs. Sushma R. Shetty, Mrs Madhushree and Mrs. Swathi Nayak