An extension activity on Math in Yoga was organized by the Mathematics department on September 30, 2023 at Abhaya Ashraya, Assaigoli, Konaje Villaje, Mangaluru.
A total of 8 students from Mathematics department illustrated simplest yoga postures which involves geometrical properties like straight lines, parallel lines, triangles, perpendicular angles and explained how they are related to mathematics. Even though all those postures are common but through this activity they are able to connect it to mathematics. Besides the math in yoga activity, our students along with the students of Science Association indulged various activities such as riddles, songs, mimicry and games for the children and inmates of Ashram. Around 30 members of the Ashram were actively involved in the programme and keenly shown their interest by interacting with the students.
In addition to this our students had the fruit full conversation with Prof. T. P. Subba Pakkala, Retired Professor of Statistics & Retired first grade Principal of Government First Grade College, Hebri. Sir had given insights on research activities in mathematics. Also, he encouraged and inspired them to do higher studies in mathematics. The staff convenors Mrs. Poornima managed the whole programme pleasantly and effectively by the guidance of Mrs. Keerthi K, Head of the Department of Mathematics.
Report by,
Mrs. Keerthi K
Mrs. Poornima