“To raise awareness among Youth Red Cross volunteers regarding the perils of drug abuse and to encourage them to spread awareness among other students, a Poster-making activity on ‘Drug Awareness’ was organized by the YRC unit on December 14, 2023, for the volunteers. Student volunteers were tasked with creating visually engaging posters conveying anti-drug messages. They were encouraged to be creative and use impactful slogans and artwork to effectively convey their messages.
Seventeen volunteers, under the guidance of Youth Red Cross Programme Officers Mrs. Roopashri K. P. and Mrs. Rashmi, prepared posters, sharing their thoughts on the significance of spreading awareness about drug abuse and brainstorming strategies to disseminate information within their respective communities. The activity successfully raised awareness among volunteers, empowering them to be proactive in addressing drug abuse issues within their communities. The volunteers exhibited remarkable creativity in designing posters that effectively conveyed the dangers of drug abuse. The use of vibrant colors and concise yet powerful messages was commendable.” ”
Report ByMrs. Roopashri K P.
Mrs Rashmi .