The short-term training programme provided by the Goverment Department to train the youth should be rightly used by the community to start their own business. The objective of such scheme is to provide financial assistance to the beneficiaries and to make them self-reliant. Self- employed individuals tend to be highly skilled in certain specific areas.
In order to impart this training to the community a short term training programme has been organized by the Career Guidance Cell in association with the Dattopanth Thengadi National Board for Workers Education and Development. Mr. Sumesh, Education Officer, National Board for Workers Education and Development, Regional Directorate, Govt. of India, Mangalore, inaugurated the training programme. Smt. Harina Rao, Past President of DSIA, Women’s wing was the resource person. 84 participants took part in the programme and learnt how to prepare phenyl, soap, detergent powder etc. Principal Dr. Premalatha addressed the gathering. Mr. Sumesh expressed his happiness for organizing the programme in the college.This programme would satisfy the core values of Contribution to national development, fostering global competency and quest for excellence (C1, C2 and C5)
Report by,
Mrs. Pushpalatha
Ms. Madhushree