The department of Botany organized an Educational field visit for I & II BZC students to Shobhavana, Alva’s Pharmacy, Butterfly garden, Moodbidiri on May 25, 2024. A group of 23 students accompanied by two teaching faculty Ms. Madhushree & Mrs. Nishvitha Shetty. We started the journey at 8.00am from Canara College, Mangalore towards Moodbidri. In the morning session, students were first taken to Shobhavana, where Dr. Shrividya Akshaya B, resource person gave a brief introduction about plant species found there and the medicinal properties and their taxonomical characters. After that students were taken to butterfly garden where the students could spot some of the butterflies and studied about the host plant and the biotic interaction between them. Our students made a list of various butterfly species visiting there and the host plants.
Post lunch students were taken to Alva’s pharmacy, where Mr. Muthapan, the resource person explain the methods of preparation of Ayurvedic medicine and its importance. Our students observed the different varieties of medicinal plants in pharmacy garden and made a detailed study about its cultivation process and taxonomical characters. Students were also briefed about the working principle and uses of different instruments used in Pharmacy laboratory. 23 students and 4 faculty members participated in the field visit.
Report By,
Ms. Madhushree