A Parent-Teacher Meeting was organised for the First year B.Com & BBA students on May 28, 2024 at 3.30 p.m. in Smt. Ratna S. Shenoy Memorial Seminar Hall. The meeting began with a welcome address by Mrs. Dejamma A. Head, Department of Commerce and Management followed by an introduction of the faculty members. Dr. Premalatha V., Principal, Canara College highlighted the importance of being regular to the classes and being punctual, and also specified about the importance of taking part in extra-curricular activities. Parents were given the opportunity to share their observations, concerns, and suggestions regarding the college’s academic and administrative processes. Mrs. Vani U.S., Head, Department of Kannada proposed the vote of thanks
The meeting continued in three different sections, each session was coordinated by the respective Academic Class Mentors. The purpose of the meeting was to facilitate communication between parents, students and teachers to discuss students’ conduct, academic performance and overall development.Teachers provided insight into the strengths and areas of improvement for individual students. The parents were encouraged to monitor the attendance of their ward.
The Parent-Teacher Meeting was a successful event that achieved its objectives of enhancing communication, identifying areas for improvement, and fostering greater parental involvement. Total of 175 parents along with their wards attended the meeting. I B.Com A – 69, I B.Com B – 73, I B.Com C – 06, I BBA – 27. • This programme strived to inculcate a value system among the students.
Report ByMrs.Dejamma A.