(Changing the Narrative on Suicide)
Suicide is one among the top three causes of death among the youth worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) opines that suicide accounts for nearly 10 lakh global deaths annually. The alarming and persistent trends in suicide necessitated timely action among the mental health care providers and community leaders. So, with the objective to provide hope and support to people having suicide intentions, the World Suicide Prevention Day was started. It is a global awareness event observed on the 10th of September every year for the last two decades commemorating the awareness of suicide prevention and celebrating the counter-actions made to abolish it.
The triennial theme for the World Suicide Prevention Day for 2024-2026 is “Changing the Narrative on Suicide”, the triennial theme (2024-26). This theme aims to raise awareness about the importance of reducing stigma and encouraging open conversation to prevent suicides. The NSS Units and Fine Arts Association of Canara College jointly organized the “World Suicide Prevention Day 2024 WALKATHON – Changing the Narrative on Suicide” on September 11, 2024 at 7:00 A.M. Sri Basti Purushottam Shenoy, Member, Canara High School Association officially launched the walkathon by cutting the satin ribbon. The students commenced the walkathon from the College quadrangle and while traversing through Bejai Church Road to Kadri Park, carried placards with slogans creating awareness that suicide is preventable.
The walkathon was a compelling call to action, for the public to consider alternatives and communal actions to promote optimism and avoid suicidal acts, thereby providing a hope for the hopeless. In this Walk of Life, 63 placards were diligently and creatively prepared, as a noble contribution by the NSS volunteers of Canara College and 94 students actively took part in this Walkathon. It was followed by a street play. Refreshments were provided to all the participants.
Dr. Mamatha Bhandary, Counsellor, Canara Education Institutions; Dr. Premalatha V., Principal, Canara College; Mrs. Vani U.S., Convenor, Fine Arts Association; NSS Programme Officers- Mrs. M. Keerthana Bhat, Mrs. Sushama C. and Assistant Pos- Mr. Shubham Kulal, Mrs. Laxmi Hegde were also present on the occasion.
Report By,
Mrs. M. Keerthana Bhat
Mrs. Sushama C.