Terahertz 2024, an inter-class Science and IT fest, was organized by the Science and IT Association of our college on September 24, 2024, at 9:30 AM with the theme “Rise to Every Challenge.”
The Chief Guest, Mr. Durga Prasad, Assistant Engineer in ONGC MRPL, Mangalore, and alumnus (Batch 2006-2009), inaugurated Terahertz 2024. In his address, he mentioned that during his time, there was no digital technology. They had to collect funds from external sources, and his classmates and group were required to visit different colleges to invite them. However, now things have changed, as digital technology is available everywhere. He also emphasized that students should focus on developing good communication skills. Dr. Premalatha V, Principal, stated in her Presidential Address that losing is not final; it represents an opportunity to try again with more knowledge than before. Therefore, participation is very important.
Ms. Shravya K and Harshitha P (III BSc) invoke the blessings of the Almighty. Ms. Manasvi, the Student Convener of the Science Association, extended a warm welcome to the gathering and introduced the guest to the audience. Meanwhile, Ms. Swathi (III BCA A), the Student Convener of the IT Association, provided an introduction to Terahertz 2024. The vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Karthika (II BCA A), and the program will be adeptly hosted by Ms. Sambhrama (III BSc).
Terahertz 2024 had 10 events, namely, Mathsteroid (Maths Event), Zoo-Mania (Zoology Event), Phytocrater (Botany Event), Cosmify (Physics Event), Quimica (Chemistry Event), Galactic Manager(Best IT Manager Event), Quiz-Mos (Quiz Event), Web Craft(Web Designing),Code Storm(Coding Event), Hassel Blad (Photography Event).
Altogether, 232 students took part in these events. The events had several rounds, and these events were conducted smoothly in the labs, seminar hall, and classrooms after the inauguration of the program.
The fest concluded with the valedictory program, where prizes for various events were distributed by the chief guest, Mrs. Sandhya, Program Head of Science, Head of Chemistry Department, and Mrs. Babitha, Head of Computer Science and Applications Department.
The Science and IT student convenors, Ms. Manasvi III BSc, Ms. Swathi III BCA A, Ms. Sharanya T. S II BSc, and Ms. Karthika II BCA A, managed all the events. Staff conveners, Dr. Asha Kiran Pakkala, Mrs.Soujanya D, Mrs.Vinutha, and Mrs. Rakshitha coordinated the programme.
Report By,
Dr. Asha Kiran Pakkala, Mrs. Soujanya D., Mrs.Vinutha, and Mrs. Rakshitha