The NSS Units of Canara College, Mangaluru organized an awareness lecture on “Environmental Swachhata” at 3:30 P.M. in the College Seminar Hall. Ms. Madhushree, Head, Department of Botany, Canara College was the Resource Person of the program. 92 volunteers received valuable knowledge by attending this program.
Ms. Madhushree in her awareness lecture highlighted the significance of environmental cleanliness. She explained in detail how we human beings due to our reckless use and exploitation of nature has put all the living species in peril. Further, she through the PPT elucidated the terms “Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification”.
‘Bioaccumulation’ is the increase of a toxic substance in an organism, whereas ‘Biomagnification’ is the increase of a toxic substance when going along a food chain from a lower level to a higher level. The latter is a dangerous development with serious consequences influencing Mother Earth. Therefore, through programs as these awareness is created about environmental issues like climate change, loss of biodiversity, ozone layer depletion, destruction of habitat, contamination of soil, water and ocean. The program was organized under the guidance of the NSS Programme Officers, Mrs. M. Keerthana Bhat and Mrs. Sushama C., and NSS Assistant Programme Officers Mr Shubham Kulal and Mrs. Laxmi Hegde.
We, at Canara, strongly believe that only with healthy ecosystems we can enhance people’s livelihood, counteract climate change, and stop the collapse of biodiversity. For a sustainable and resilient future let’s become a part of #GenerationRestoration, and resolve to heal our planet by making responsible choices!
Report By,
Mrs. M. Keerthana Bhat
Mrs. Sushama C.