An inter-class Commerce and Management Fest OLYMPUS was organized by the Commerce and Management Association for the first-year students of all the streams on October 18, 2024. The inauguration of the same was held at 9.30 AM by the Chief Guest Mrs. Deepali Shenoy, Founder and Managing Director, Edu-Flourish, Mangaluru. Mrs. Deepali Shenoy began her address by recalling the opportunity she had during her college days. She stated that Commerce and Management Association played a very important role in her life. She congratulated the staff and students on their choice of theme and tagline. She asserted that greatness exists within everyone, it is up to the individual to recognize the greatness within himself. She also stated that an individual’s degree life is a turning point for everyone and advised the students to use the talents within them and make it memorable.
Prof. Dejamma A, HOD, Commerce in her presidential remark added how effort and dedication transformed an individual’s life from employee to employer by referring it to the chief guest. Additionally, she said social media provides a lot of information but it is up to the user to choose what is good and what is bad. She also appreciated the organizers for their efforts and wished good luck to all the participants.
Ms. Arpitha Salian of III B.Com B compered the programme, Staff Convener, Mrs. Ashaltha welcomed the gathering, Mr. Gopalkrishna Pai briefed about OLYMPUS. Staff Convener, Mrs. Jayashree Shetty proposed the vote of thanks. The Fest witnessed 14 registrations from 97 students of all the streams. The events included Best Manager, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Public Relations, Photography & Videography and Business Quiz. All these events, combined with education and fun, explored the professional and personal excellence of our students. All these events functioned smoothly and were adjudged by our own esteemed faculty members, professionals and by our own alumnus.
The Valedictory programme of the OLYMPUS was held at 5.00 PM. The chief guest Sri CA M. Jagannath Kamath, Correspondent of the college said that it is important for a student to engage in extracurricular activities in addition to their academic studies. The Head of the Department of Business Administration stated that there are only two options in the competition, trying and winning. She also encouraged the youngsters to take the results of the fest in a sportive manner. The Principal Dr. Premalalatha V., in her presidential remark, mentioned that participation is more important than winning, students will be deputed to different inter-collegiate fests and so this type of fests within the college would be more helpful to them. She concluded her words by advising the students to uphold the reputation of the institution. The participants shared their feedback about the fest. Student Conveners Mr. Gopalkrishna Pai and Ms. Shradda M. M. announced the winners of various events and they were honored with Trophies and Certificates. A total of 161 students benefitted from this fest. All the participants received their participation Certificates.
Report by,
Mrs. Ashalatha
Mrs. Jayashree Shetty