Field-oriented hands-on training on Vermicomposting

November 21, 2024

Vermicomposting is a sustainable and eco-friendly method of managing organic waste. It involves the use of earthworms to break down organic matter into a nutrient-rich compost. With this regard, the Department of Zoology organized “Field Oriented Hands-on Training on Vermicomposting” using waste materials collected from the botanical garden of our college. All the students of I BZC and II BZC took the initiative to prepare the vermicompost under the able guidance of Mrs. Sushama, H.O.D., and Mrs. Pushpanjali S, Assistant Professor. The total duration was 47 days from October 4, 2024 – November 20, 2024.

A session was conducted on October 04, 2024, by Mrs. Pushpanjali S. She explained the scope, importance, principle involved, and general procedure for the preparation of vermicomposting. Students then visited the botanical garden of our college and collected biodegradable waste materials such as dry leaves, paper, etc necessary for vermicomposting. They also collected the earthworms from the garden.

On the second day, students shredded the waste materials. On the fourth day, the vermicomposting method was carried out in a mud pot under the direction of Mrs. Sushama C. Students prepared the vermi-bed using coconut fiber and then added biodegradable materials. The cow dung slurry was added to the waste material followed by the earthworms and was kept for decomposition. Mixing of the content was done twice a week. Vermicompost was produced within 45 days.

The hands-on training met its objective as it was designed to provide a practical experience where the learner is able to perform vermicomposting. Altogether 30 students actively participated.● This activity strived to achieve core values of contribution to national development, inculcating value system, and quest for excellence among the student participants.

Report By,
Mrs. Pushpanjali S.

Last updated by Laxmi Hegde.

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