Youth Red Cross and NSS Unit of Canara College,Mangaluru conducted a session on report Writing in Canara College on Wednesday February 28, 2018. The resource person Mr Mohandas, Editor Vijayavani Daily explained the students how to write a programme report in a brief and systematic manner without letting go the important information which has to be included in the report. He asked the students to write a brief report of the workshop conducted by him and also corrected the mistakes done by them .It was an interactive session and students gained lot of knowledge.
45 students from Youth Red Cross and NSS participated in this session. Ms.Dhanya S Shet, Programme Officer Youth Red Cross Unit & Prof Dejamma , NSS programme officer were present in the session. Ms.Bindiya welcomed the gathering and Ms.Akshatha extended the vote of thanks. Volunteers gained the knowledge of writing a report in a systematic manner systematic manner without letting go the important information which has to be included in the report.
Report by:
Ms.Dhanya S Shet.