Seema Prabhu S.
Assistant Professor
22 years Experience in Canara College.
Academic Area: Accounting, Auditing, Banking, Business Economics, Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting, Financial Management, Marketing, Principles of Management, Taxation
- Master of Commerce in Banking
- Master of Philosophy
- Master of Arts in Economics
Other Experience
- Lecturer at Shri Venkatramana Womens’ College, Karkala for 1 year (2001-02).
Publications and Research
- Authored a text book on “Agricultural Marketing” for Mangalore University, II Semester B.Com., published by New United Publishers, Mangaluru in the year 2019. ISBN: 978-93-89334-29-6.
- Co – authored a text book on “E-Commerce” for Mangalore University, I Semester B.Com., published by New United Publishers, Mangaluru in the year 2019. ISBN: 978-93-89334-05-0
- Co – authored a text book on “Cost and Management Accounting – II” for Mangalore University, IV Semester B.Com., published by United Agencies, Mangaluru in the year 2016. ISBN: 978-93-85682-11-7
- Completed a UGC sponsored Minor Research Project on “Ground realities of life and living of Konkani Kharvi Community: A study with reference to Konkani Kharvi women of Udupi district of Karnataka state”.
- Presented a research paper titled “ A study on awareness and usage of Innovation Banking among Konkani Kharvi Fisherfolks of Udupi District” in International Conference on Contemporary innovations in Industry and Commerce organised by Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Karnataka on 22 and 23 February, 2019.
- Presented a research paper titled “ Impact of Microfinance on women empowerment: A study of Konkani Kharvi Community” in International Conference on “IPR, Entrepreneurship & Leadership skills” organized by Milagres College, Mangaluru on July 31, 2018.
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Financial Literacy among Konkani Kharvi Community – A study with reference to D.K. and Udupi Districts” in National Seminar on “Expanding the Horizons of Knowledge: An Interdisciplinary Approach” organised by Government First Grade College, Bantwal on March 22, 2018.
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Bridging the Industry – Academia Skill Gap – A study of D.K. District” in the National Conference on “ Impact of ideas & innovations on Management, IT, Education & Social Sciences” organised by Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangaluru on March 17, 2018.
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Role of Women in Sustainable Development : A study with reference to Konkani Kharvi Women of Coastal Karnataka” in National Seminar on “ Sustainable Social Development” organised by St. Aloysius College, Mangaluru on March 3, 2018.
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Comparative analysis of soft skills for commerce students – a study of Dakshina Kannada District”in XII Convention of Federation of Teachers’ Councils of Commerce & Management in Karnataka and National Seminar on “Business Education in India : Vision” organised by Rani Chanamma University, Belagavi Commerce and Management Colleges Teachers’ Association held at Belgavi on February 24 & 25, 2018
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Stake Holders Perception of Desirable Employability soft skills for commerce students – A study of D.K. District” in National Conference on “Enhancing Professional Competency through skill development – facing upto modernity” held organised by St. Agnes College, Mangaluru on February 14, 2018 and won Best Paper Award.
- “ Role of Micro Credit in Empowerment of Konkani Kharvi Fisherfolk of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi Districts” Chapter No.5, Page- 51-60 in the book titled Changing Scenario of Indian Financial System (ISBN: 978-93-86053-00-0), 2017 published by Wisdom Press, New Delhi. Pp 51 to 59.
- “ Impact of Financial Inclusion and Credit Penetration of Konkani Kharvi Community of Coastal Karnataka” A paper published in Global Research Review, Journal of innovative research in commerce and Management – A a peer reviewed Journal of Department of PG studies in Commerce, Besant Evening College, Mangaluru , Volume 3, 2017. Pp 50 to 57. (ISSN: 2250 – 2521)
- Presented a research paper on “ Role of micro finance in empowerment of Konkani Kharvi Fisherfolk of D.K. and Udupi District” in International conference cum workshop on “Multidisciplinary Business Research- The New Driver of Business Innovation “ held at AIMIT, Beeri , Mangaluru on March 31, 2017.
- A research paper on “Impact of demonetisation on fisherfolk of Konkani Kharvi Community – A study with reference to Udupi District” is published in the proceedings of Ammembal Subbarao Pai memorial UGC sponsored national conference on “Digital India – prospering India” organized by CASCM, Canara College, Mangaluru on 2 and 3March, 2017. ( ISBN 978-81-927561-7-2).
- Presented a research paper on “Green Banking during post demonetisation era – A case study of Konkani Kharvi Fisherfolk of Udupi District” in the international conference on “Green Banking : Perceptions & Challenges” organised by University College, Mangaluru from February 1 to 3, 2017.
- A research paper on “Domestic equality – A study of women lecturers of first grade colleges affiliated to Mangalore University” in published in the proceedings of UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Human rights: Issues and Concerns” held at SVS College, Bantwal on January 23, 2017. (ISBN 978-81-929835-7-8) Pp 92 to 102.
- Presented a research paper on “Quality education leads to quality Employment : Myth or Reality – An analysis” in the National Seminar on “ Developing local standards based on country wide criteria” held at Nehru Memorial College, Sullia on January 20, 2017.
- Presented a research paper on “Impact of financial inclusion on Konkani Kharvi fisherfolk of Coastal Karnataka” in the national Conference on “Financial Sector Reforms” organised by Post Graduate Department of Commerce, St.Mary’s College, Shirva on May 6, 2016.
- A research paper on “Availability and Utilisation of micro credit: A case study of Konkani Kharvi fisherfolk of Udupi District” is published in the proceedings of UGC Sponsored national Conference on “Micro Finance: Growth engine for rural economy” organised by Centre for advanced studies in commerce and management, Canara College, Mangaluru on January 29 to 30, 2016. (ISBN 978-81-927561-6-5) Pp 74 to 76.
- Presented a research paper on “Financial Inclusion – A case Study of Konkani Kharvi Community of Coastal Karnataka” in the UGC Sponsored national Conference on “Financial Inclusion through co operative sector in rural areas – Challenges and Effectiveness” held at Sacred Heart College, Madanthyar on September 15, 2015.
- Presented a research paper on “E – waste Management awareness among youth – A Case study of Konkani Kharvi Community ” in the UGC Sponsored national Conference on “E – Waste Management – Challenges and Opportunities” held at Canara College, Mangaluru on September 3 to 4, 2015.
- Presented a research paper on “Financial Empowerment of Konkani Kharvi Fisherwomen of Udupi District” in the UGC Sponsored national Conference on “Gender issues on Campus & in Society” organised for Centre for Women and Gender Studies, Canara College, Mangaluru on January 23 & 24, 2015. This paper is published in the conference proceeding.
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Does Learning Start after College ?” in the UGC sponsored national Conference on Measures for Quality Enhancement and Sustenance in Higher Education held at Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Business Management & Post Graduate centre for Management Studies & Research, Mangalore on October 9 & 10, 2014.
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Role of Micro Finance in Empowerment of Konkani Kharvi Fisher women” in the UGC sponsored national Conference on Women Empowerment through Microfinance – Challenges and Prospects held at St. Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangalore on September 26 & 27, 2014. This paper is published in the conference proceeding. Pp 172 to 175. ISBN 978-81-930869-0-3.
- Presented a research paper on “Work place attire of female college teachers – A study with reference to female college teachers of degree colleges affiliated to Mangalore University” in the UGC sponsored national conference on Feminine Qualities and Leadership organized by University College, Mangalore on April 22 & 23, 2014. Paper is published in conference proceedings Pp 174 to 177 (ISBN:978-81-930542-0-8).
- Presented a Paper on “Relevance of Banks in Anti-Money laundering Exercise: An overview” in the UGC sponsored national seminar on Black Money and Money Laundering organized by Canara First Grade College, Mangalore on January 3, 2014. Paper is published in conference proceedings Pp 125 to 127 .(ISBN:978-81-927561-4-1).
- Presented a research paper on “Awareness and Behaviour of Cosmetic Users in Rural Areas: A Study in Bantwal Taluk of D.K. District of Karnataka” in the International conference on Advances in Commerce, Economics, Banking, Humanities and Social Sciences organized by Indo-Global Chamber of Commerce, Industries & Agriculture, Pune on October 26, 2013. Paper is published in a peer reviewed International Research Journal of Humanities and Environmental Issues (IRJHEI), Vol.II, Issue 7 (IV), October, 2013. Pp123 to 127.( ISSN:2277-9329).
- Presented a research paper on “ Consumers’ Perception and Attitude towards Online Buying – A study with reference to Mangalore City” in the International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Commerce, Management, Technology & Social Sciences organized by Anjuman-E Islam’s Anjuman Arts, Science and Commerce College, Bijapur and Indo-Global Chamber of Commerce, Industries & Agriculture on September 21, 2013. This paper is published in a peer reviewed International Research Journal of Commerce, Business and Social Sciences (IRJCBSS), Vol.II, Issue 6 (IV), September, 2013. Pp123 to 127.( ISSN:2277-9310)
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Awareness and usage of e- banking service by Urban employees : A study with reference to Mangalore” in the UGC sponsored two day National Seminar on new paradigms in administration: e – governance in Karnataka organised by department of political science , St.Mary’s College, Shirva on August 23 & 24, 2013 . Published in conference proceedings Pp 113 to 120 (ISBN:978-81-927923-1-6).
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Working Women -Caught between two Eras” – A study of Women Lecturers of First Grade Colleges Affiliated to Mangalore University” in the ICSSR Sponsored International Conference on Rural Empowerment for Sustainable Development , Empowering Rural Families, Women and Girl Children by Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, Coimbatore on March 27 & 28, 2013. Pp 338 to 344. Published by HIKEY MEDIA, Chennai. March, 2013. (ISBN: 978-93-82570-05-9).
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Bank Customers’ in Changing Global Scenario: An analysis of Canara Bank Customers’ perceptions towards E Banking in Mangalore” in the UGC sponsored two day National Conference, Is India Prepared to meet the contemporary and future challenges with reference to the changing global scenario? organized by Abeda Inamdar Senior College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune on February 1 & 2, 2013. This paper is published in COSMOS a peer reviewed Journal Published by M.C.E. Society’s Abeda Inamdar Senior College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Pune. January 2013- issue II . Pp 103 – 112. (ISSN:2249-6408).
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Education Beyond Academic Knowledge- A Study on Importance of Soft Skills in Higher Education” in the UGC sponsored National Level conference on Higher Education -Challenges ahead organised by Centre for Advanced Studies in Commerce & Management, Canara First Grade College, Mangalore on January 23 & 24, 2013. Paper is published in publication of the conference – Pp 58 to 64. (ISBN : 978-81-927561-0-3).
- Participated and presented a research paper “Conflicting Worlds of Working Women” in a NHRC Sponsored National Level Seminar on Human Rights Advocacy: A step to prevent human right violation organized by SDM College of Business Management, Mangalore on December 19, 2012.
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Equality at Home” in a NHRC Sponsored state level seminar on Human Rights in the Emerging Era organized by Government First Grade College, Kavoor on December 10, 2012.
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Soft Skill Training as a co curricular activity- Finishing School Concepts” in a UGC sponsored National Level Seminar on Human Resource Development – New Paradigm & Perspective organized by S.B.C. First Grade College for Women, Davangere on 28th and 29th September, 2012. The paper is published in the conference publication Pp 98 to 102. (ISBN: 978-81-925462-0-9).
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Analysis of Canara Bank Customers’ perceptions towards E Banking” in a UGC sponsored national conference on Information Technology and Its Implications on Banking Sector : Challenges and Prospects held at department of post graduate studies in commerce, University College, Mangalore from April 17 to 19, 2012.
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Finishing School Concepts in Commerce Education” in a UGC sponsored national seminar on Changing Dimensions of Commerce and Management Education amidst Global competition in Higher Education held at Sacred Heart College, Madanthyar on March 24 & 25, 2012. This paper is published in the proceedings of the conference Pp 91 to 97.
- Participated and presented a research paper on “Importance of Soft Skills in Higher Education- Students Perspectives” in a UGC sponsored national workshop on Inclusion of soft skills in higher education curriculum for better employability: Strategies and Challenges held March 9 & 10, 2012 at Vijaya College, Mulki.
- Participated and Presented a Paper on “Global recession and its impact on Micro, Small and Medium enterprises: ILO responses” in a UGC Sponsored National Level Conference on Impact of global recession on small scale industries in India organized by Cauvery College, Gonikoppal on January 6, 2012 .This paper is published in Vaanijya – A peer reviewed departmental Journal of Alva’s College, Department of Commerce, Moodbidri. Issue III – Jan – Dec 2011. Pp 28 to 30
- Participated and Presented a Paper on “Indian Retail Revolution ” in a UGC Sponsored National Level Conference on Indian Retail Industry- Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies organized by Nehru Memorial College, Sullia on September 15 & 16 , 2011.
- Participated and Presented a Research Paper on “Issues of Culture in Development: Sustainable development through innovative business models With reference to development of Dakshina Kannada District ” in a National Level Conference on strategising innovative business models Organized by St Joseph Engineering College, Department of Business Administration,Vamanjoor, Mangalore on March 24 & 25, 2011 . Published in the proceedings of the Conference Pp 157 to 162.
- Participated and Presented a Research Paper on “Issues of Culture in Development” in a National Level Conference on Sustainable Development – A Competitive Edge Organised by Sinhgad Business School, Pune, Maharashtra from March 10 to 13, 2011. Published by Excel India Publishers – Pp 61 to 66 .(ISBN : 978-93-81361-05-4).
Other Activities
Membership in academic bodies:
- Life Member of Indian Accounting Association (IAA) , Kozhikode Branch.
- Treasurer of Mangalore University Commerce Teachers Association (MUCTA) for tenure of 4 years i.e. 2014-16, 2016-18.
- Member of Association of Mangalore University College Teachers(AMUCT)
- Member in drafting Syllabus Cost and Management Accounting I, II, III & IV subject for proposed Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) during the academic year 2018-19 of Mangalore University B.Com. Curriculum.
- Chief in drafting Syllabus Corporate Secretaryship subject for proposed Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) during the academic year 2018-19 of Mangalore University B.Com. Curriculum.
- Member of the Syllabus review committee of the B. Com Syllabus revision process of Business Taxation – IV (GST) during the academic year 2017-18 of Mangalore University.
- Member of the Syllabus review committee of the B. Com Syllabus revision process of Modern Banking during the academic year 2009-10 and 2013-14 of Mangalore University.
- Member of the Syllabus review committee of the B.A. Syllabus revision process of Entrepreneurship Development of School of Social Work (Autonomous) , Roshni Nilaya , Mangaluru during the academic year 2014-15
- BOE member of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore from the academic year 2009-10 till date.
- BOE member of SDM College, Ujire for the academic year 2009-10 .
- Member of BOAE of B.A. Security and Detective Science of Mangalore University for a tenure of 3 years i.e. 2016 – 2019.
- BOE member of St. Agnes College, Mangalore for the academic year 2014-15.
- Life Member of Mangalore University Commerce Teachers Association (MUCTA)
- External Project Guide for MIFT College, Mangaluru for the academic years 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19
- Executive Member of Association of Mangalore University College Teachers’ (AMUCT) for 2018-2020
Membership in various Committees at College:
- Convener of Centre for Advanced Studies in Commerce and Management.(established in the year 2009-10), till 2018-19.
- Convener of Konkani Bhasha Vidyarthi Mandal since its inception.(Established in the year 2010-11), till 2015-16.
- Director of Centre for Women and Gender Studies. (Established in the year 2012-13), till 2018-19.
- Student Welfare Officer for the academic year 2011-12.
- In-charge of HRD and ED Cell for the year 2010-11.
- Member of Examination Committee during the year 2010-11.
- Member of ECA- CCA Committee for the years – 2011-12 and 2012-13.
- In-charge of Women Empowerment Cell for the years – 2012- 13 and 2013-14.
- Secretary of IQAC for the year 2013-14.
- Member of IQAC for the year 2014-15.
- Member of IQAC and Research Committee for the years – 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19.
- Staff In charge for the Finishing School Programme (Certificate course for B.Com and BBA students) for the years – 2015-16, 2016-17,2017-18, 2018-19.
- In charge of College Handbook since 2015
- Member of Library Committee (2016-17).
- Staff In charge for the Add on Course on GST for the academic year 2017-18.
- Co ordinator of ICT Academy Programmes (2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21)
- Staff In charge for the Certificate Course on “Research Methodology” for the academic year 2018-19.
- NSS and RRC Programme Officer (2019-20, 2020-21).
Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference Organized:
- Convener of the UGC Sponsored National Level Conference on “Social Responsibilities of Educational Institutions” organized by Centre for Advanced Studies in Commerce and Management, Canara First Grade College, Mangalore held on September 7 and 8, 2010 and published the proceedings of the conference.
- Organizing committee member for the International seminar on “Vedas: The source of science & culture – A universal approach” organized by CISRS, Canara College, Mangalore on 15th to 17th December, 2011.
- Convener of the workshop on “Tapping E Resources” organized by Centre for Advanced Studies in Commerce and Management, Canara First Grade College, Mangalore on 11th February 2012.
- Convener of the UGC Sponsored National Level Conference on “Higher Education – Challenges Ahead” organized by Centre for Advanced Studies in Commerce and Management, Canara First Grade College, Mangalore held on 23 and 24 January 2013 and published the proceedings of the conference with ISBN.
- Organizing committee member for the XXVII AIFUCTO STATUTORY CONFERNECE hosted by AMUCT on November 30, December 1 & 2, 2013 held at St Aloysius College, Mangalore.
- Organizing Secretary of seminar on “Empowerment of Konkani Women” organized by National Book Trust, New Delhi, in Association With Konkani Language And Cultural Foundation And Department Of Kannada And Culture , Government of Karnataka held at Nehru Maidan , Mangalore on 11th January 2014.
- Convener of the UGC Sponsored National Level Conference on “The Green Umbrella- Green Business Opportunities ” organized by Centre for Advanced Studies in Commerce and Management, Canara First Grade College, Mangalore held on 23rd and 24th January 2014 and published the proceedings of the conference with ISBN.
- Convener of the UGC Sponsored National Level Conference on “Gender issues on Campus & in Society ” organized by Centre for Women & Gender Studies , Canara College, Mangaluru held on 23rd and 24th January 2015 and published the proceedings of the conference with ISBN.
- Convener of the UGC Sponsored National Level Conference on “Micro Finance – Growth Engine for Rural Economy” organized by Centre for Advanced Studies in Commerce & Management, Canara College, Mangaluru held on 29th and 30th January 2016.
- Convener of the UGC Sponsored National Level Conference on “Digital India – Prospering India” organized by Centre for Advanced Studies in Commerce & Management, Canara College, Mangaluru held on 2nd and 3rd March, 2017.
- Convener of the National Level Conference on “Individual Social Responsibility in Waste Management” jointly organized by Centre for Women and Gender Studies (CWGS) and NSS Unit, Canara College, Mangaluru held October 10, 2018.
Radio Talks:
Resource Person:
Judge for various events:
Certificate Courses/ Short Term Courses :
Editor of Publications:
Sl.No | Title of the Publication | Year of Publication | ISBN | Publisher |
1 | Social Responsibilities of educational institutions. | 2010 | – | Canara College, Mangaluru |
2 | Higher Education – Challenges Ahead | 2013 | 978-81-927561-0-3 | Canara College, Mangaluru |
3 | Green Umbrella – Green Business Opportunities | 2014 | 978-81-927561-2-7 | Canara College, Mangaluru |
4 | Gender Issues on Campus & in Society | 2015 | 978-81-927561-3-4 | Canara College, Mangaluru |
5 | Micro Finance – Growth Engine for Rural Economy | 2016 | 978-81-927561-6-5 | Canara College, Mangaluru |
6 | Digital India – Prospering India | 2017 | 978-81-927561-7-2 | Canara College, Mangaluru |
Seema Prabhu S.
is Assistant Professor at Canara College,
Mangalore, Karnataka, India