The scientific and technological developments have changed the structure of the society, which includes one’s career primarily. Therefore one needs to plan a career as per one’s abilities and opportunities. With this view the Department of chemistry organized a career guidance programme for III PCM and III BZC students on July 22, 2022. Dr. Ronald pinto, Director of individual development was the resource person. He coordinated with the President and the members of Lions Club, Nethravathi, Mangalore. The programme began with the formal function. Mrs. Roopashri K P welcomed the guest and the gathering. Dr. Premalatha V was president of the programme. Mrs Geetha Kalyanpur, member of Lions Club briefed about the programme, Mrs. Asha Nagaraj, President of Lions Club encouraged us in organizing such a programme for young students. The formal programme concluded with the vote of thanks by Dilsha. Laxmi Dhungel was the master of ceremony. After the formal function the resource person took over the session. He introduced the students to various fields available for higher studies which has greater demand in the society. He also explained the job opportunities available in Chemistry, Physics and Biology field through which the students can get better placement opportunities.
Report by,
Mrs.Sandhya B.