CANFEST- ’24 – A National Level Inter-Collegiate Commerce & Management Fest SYMPOSIA “Where Minds Meet, Ideas Flourish” was organized by Canara College on March 11 & 12, 2024 from 9:00 A.M. in the College Campus.
Inaugural Ceremony:
The Inaugural Ceremony of CANFEST 2024 was held on Day 01 at 9.00 A.M. at Canara College. CA Gautam Pai D., Chairman of the Mangaluru Branch, SIRC of ICAI was the Chief Guest and Inaugurator of the annual flagship event. The Chief Guest, addressing the gathering emphasized, “We live in a competitive world. But, we must not compete with our peers, instead must indulge in self improvement and make a better version of one self.” Adding further, he said, “Striving for personal growth through academic excellence and participation in extracurricular activities paves the way for success.”
In his presidential address, Mr. Suresh Kamath, Vice President of Canara High School Association, highlighted the transformative potential of competitions. He stated, “Competitions are pivotal in nurturing young leaders. Students must seize such golden opportunities and maximize their potential.”
Valedictory Ceremony:
The Valedictory Ceremony began at 4.00 P.M. on Day 02. The Chief Guest for the Valedictory function Sri. T. Gopalkrishna Shenoy, Correspondent, Canara Pre-University College complimented the staff and student conveners for their flawlessly organized event. Then, addressing the students, he said, “Fests as these are places not just to showcase your talent but also to meet new people, make new friends and exchange ideas.” Guiding the young competitors representing different colleges, he further spoke about the four-fold mantra for success: “Reading, observing, assimilating knowledge, and then sharing the learnt knowledge through effective communication.”
CA M. Jagannath Kamath, Correspondent, Canara College, in his presidential remark said, “Participation is more important than winning. Each times’ participation improves and enables us the more to face the competitive world confidently.”
This year ‘Commercia’ came with the theme of “Symposia – Where Minds Meet, Idea Flourish”. The fest with multitude of twists and turns had seven events which include -CEO, Human Resource, Public Relation, Finance, Marketing, Event Management and Quiz. A total of 274 participants from 28 colleges participated in this fest and 148 students of our college were involved in organizing this fest. The events were judged by professionals, practitioners and by our own alumni members. All the events were planned and executed by the Student Conveners Ms. Trupthi N. Vyas and Ms. Amrita Pai under the guidance of Staff Conveners Mrs. Usha Nayak and Mrs. Ashalatha.
KLE, CBALC (College of Business Administration Lingraj College), Belgavi bagged the Overall Championship, while St. Aloysius (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru, won the Runners-up.
Report By,
Mrs. Usha Nayak and Mrs. Ashalatha