The human rights cell in association with Literary association of our college as conducted a special talk on essence of Bhagavathgeetha on February 22,2017 at Canara College,Mangalore. Dr. Madhusudhan Bhat,Principal,Upendrapai memorial college, Udupi was the guest speaker. In his lecture he stressed the importants of three core values from Bhagavadgeetha. He said “Seeking the welfare of all living beings, regulation and control over sense organs and the mind and having calmness amidst ups and downs of life are the core of spiritual life. In forming the children more about Bhagavadgeetha to help them to cultivate good values in life”. Thirty students took part in the programme.
Dr. Ganesh Shetty and other convenors were present during the programme along with 200 students.
Report by,
Dr. Shantala Vishwas